Monday 5 November 2012


some says that holidays are fun but 2 me its bored. when u have a really protective parents like mine u'll understand. its so bored when there no body to share secrets with i wish to live with my friends if i have a chance i would say 2 my parents DON'T DISTURB MY PRIVACY i'm absolute bored argh.... 

Friday 19 October 2012


who hates school? when you have friends. my school is incredibly awesome i love my school although school provide homework which i definitely hate of course my. OMG what date is today......... oh no it's 19/10 my friend's b'day was yesterday i'm a forgetful better say to her  "HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY" and "SORRY FOR THE LATE" i'm a jerk huh... well i just finish exam yesterday maybe i was stressed out until i've forgotten my bff bday well see yea..... BYE...:) :) :) :)

Thursday 13 September 2012


HI this is my first post. i'm so exited as this is my first blog i hope you will enjoy my blog