Wednesday 18 September 2013

HARI RAYA!!! 2013 XD

a splendid day for me and my family. I love spending time with them a lot. hari raya is D best day we play firework,mercun and others. This raya is awesome though i lost my voice.hahalol...


I'M BACK!!!! =3

Hi blog viewers its been a while i'm not around. How do you handle bullies and phonies. I've kinda fed-up with them especially a high school-er teenage like me even i have a back stabber i just cant stand with this. Anyways just give me ways and solution to my prob. Do visit my other blog it's

Thursday 30 May 2013

sports day

Hi long time no write i miss all of this it's been a month i have not write anything i made this blog to write about my own life. Today i had a marching practice. My sports day is coming hope my parents could come. Almost every year they couldn't come i just entered high school last year they didn't come on my school's sports day i felt sad but i'm used to it but i really wish my parents could come this year. I miss them being with me especially my mom i miss being with her. :'(