Monday 19 May 2014


argh examination is tomorrow!!!! i'm lazy to have that test well if i don't take the test i won't get good grades and if i don't get good grades i won't have presents so i still have to take the test and i bloody hate it!!!! but its ok then.... well wish me luck for it so that i can have an ipod ...... love you guys thnx for reading my blog....

Thursday 15 May 2014

a**hole teacher

my life today sucks because of a bloody teacher who always hate me. she'll never be satisfied of me and i seriously feel like killing her. i don't care if she wants to curse me with word that come out from her HUGE GAP but she does not need to give a stupid 1-day assignment that should be given for at least 3 days. this freak is bullshit that is actually bigger than bullshit i hate her till' infinity. i'll prove to this teacher that i can score without her help. my target is A+ for ALL SUBJECTS. i'm gonna make her nose bleed watching at my perfect score and i'm smack my test papers on her face to show her i don't need her. my WHOLE CLASS hates her cause she don't teach, she nag and complain  about the class and presentation that we don't know how to do!!!! GO TO HELL MS. C