Monday 15 August 2016

Last Suprise

i dont know what to say.. that was what i saw this morning. Blood. maybe that's the last suprise. so before its to late and just in case some of you there are still looking through my blog. just to say that i'm sorry and i forgave what ever shit you guys gave me last year. haha i never like fighting or anything like that its not nice and tbh its against my life principle but i'm a girl who u shall not challenge. just ask my cousins what i did to them when i was a kid.. (not the one that once lived in U.K) never left a fight hanging and i never loose. getting what i want is my specialty haha. bad-ass? yes i am. there was once i threw pebbles to my friend's head cause he was just so fcking selfish and annoying. therefore i want to apologize to all of you there.. i didnt know my life was this short. until last year came. there is also this boy here i cannot make him go away from me no matter what i say. i just dont want him to be lonely when i'm not here anymore. i'm sorry i made u love me and such. i'm sorry for being a pain in your ass these few weeks. well i told you why anyways right? so yeah :) dont miss me when i'm really gone :D

no hate just loves,

Thursday 11 August 2016


TRIALS!! good luck to all the PT3 candidates and SPM candidates!!! Do the best and let Allah do the rest! besides tht hv a lot of fun too okay? you'll be needing the fun in studies to you know.. This is my last year i'll be in Ipoh!! EXCITED TO LEAVE AND NEVER COME BACK weird huh? at least i dont hv to face who ever that has been in my all this while.. I dont hv to think much about family and school anymore.. just money and studies and work and my life! :D but i'm gonna miss my bae for sure.. hurm missing him already.. SPM is a kick start of a pay-to-play life now.. my 17 yrs here in Ipoh was just a free trial... again GOOD LUCK GUYS!!!!!