Sunday 6 July 2014



hey guys i would like to wish you happy fasting through out the month and make sure you have enough sleep and eat cause some of you just won't sleep cause its FIFA WORLD CUP. i'm staying up-late to just to watch FIFA!!! especially my fav ARGENTINA go Messi go!!!! well i'm not much a soccer girl but i do like soccer!! and what i know is Argentina is fighting Belgium today!! watching it right now!!! i wish messi and the whole argentina team GOOD LUCK!!! ok guys gtg now...laters

Saturday 5 July 2014


It's been a while since I updated my blog well actually I forgot my password haha. I miss blogging so damn much. I would like to thx all of you who reads my blog being 15 is incredibly challenging but it is fun. I had this new guy friend actually he is my first reality guy friend, I do have guy friends but they are all virtual... Lets call him 'H' he is so fantastic I like him he is actually living somewhere in my neighbourhood I- just notice that- his sis is my best friend. I thought my friend is the oldest and looks like she has a brother -how cute- H  is nice but sometimes weird. The first day I knew him he ask immediately my wechat account which I don't have. The next day I saw him he asked me to be his GIRLFRIEND and I rejected -pity guy- I guess he was pissed off and wanted to have revenge so I play-along through his games and riddles until today, the person who introduce me to H is my BFF. She overheard H conversation with another guy about me. H said that he never wanted to be my friend he only wants popularity since i'm a girl from a well-known family around there. Now he is no so fantastic anymore- though he is a 'hotstuff' in school- now I know not all guys are nice most of the are just a pain in the ASS!!!!! <3 <3