Wednesday 21 December 2016

i dont know (FAM)

i dont know how to live my life anymore. must it all be their choices? what about me? my happiness? feel neglected here.. feel like a puppet. my love life should be my choice and what rights do you hv on doing it for me? hv u ever come by and ask how am i today? NO. hv u ever come by and ask me if i need you guys? NO. i want to hv a happy fam like how my friends hv. is it bcoz of the incident 5 yrs ago you're not letting me choose my love life? bcoz of imran? bcoz of all the bullshits he told you tht you nvr asked your own daughter whether its a true story or not? where you nvr told me what he told you guys? where you trust tht piece of shit more than your own daughter? what hope do you hv on him if he's a drug dealer now? my guy do stuff far much better than he does even though he's not good in studies. he's really good in doing work and at least he's not the one who was once behind bars bcoz of drugs. you still want to praise him? sure. do it. be blinded by his covers. be blinded by his looks and smile. he never even really likes us. they were all pretenders telling other people that we are here living with opah just to waste her money. we are here to be a huge trouble to opah. isnt it true imran? I FUCKIN HATE YOU! you hardly come down and visits us here what do you know? and you're telling tht ur mom is the one who's been telling you all this bullshit. there's no point of you to tell its a fake story i created i hv witnesses and proof. you and your little fam is not apart of my family. i repeat YOU GUYS ARE NOT APART OF OUR FAMILY thank god you're not eligible to hold the status we all hv. it would be a disgrace if you are one of the leaders like us. U ARE NO PRINCE TO US NOT EVEN APART OF OUR ROYALTY FAMILY

Monday 15 August 2016

Last Suprise

i dont know what to say.. that was what i saw this morning. Blood. maybe that's the last suprise. so before its to late and just in case some of you there are still looking through my blog. just to say that i'm sorry and i forgave what ever shit you guys gave me last year. haha i never like fighting or anything like that its not nice and tbh its against my life principle but i'm a girl who u shall not challenge. just ask my cousins what i did to them when i was a kid.. (not the one that once lived in U.K) never left a fight hanging and i never loose. getting what i want is my specialty haha. bad-ass? yes i am. there was once i threw pebbles to my friend's head cause he was just so fcking selfish and annoying. therefore i want to apologize to all of you there.. i didnt know my life was this short. until last year came. there is also this boy here i cannot make him go away from me no matter what i say. i just dont want him to be lonely when i'm not here anymore. i'm sorry i made u love me and such. i'm sorry for being a pain in your ass these few weeks. well i told you why anyways right? so yeah :) dont miss me when i'm really gone :D

no hate just loves,

Thursday 11 August 2016


TRIALS!! good luck to all the PT3 candidates and SPM candidates!!! Do the best and let Allah do the rest! besides tht hv a lot of fun too okay? you'll be needing the fun in studies to you know.. This is my last year i'll be in Ipoh!! EXCITED TO LEAVE AND NEVER COME BACK weird huh? at least i dont hv to face who ever that has been in my all this while.. I dont hv to think much about family and school anymore.. just money and studies and work and my life! :D but i'm gonna miss my bae for sure.. hurm missing him already.. SPM is a kick start of a pay-to-play life now.. my 17 yrs here in Ipoh was just a free trial... again GOOD LUCK GUYS!!!!!

Monday 27 June 2016

we're not worth fighting for.. bye

such a fool! not again.. just get off me already mister.. i had enuff and i really wish i dont have to see your face again and fall for your tricks once more.. what we had was HISTORY tht i've deleted... for the sake of humanity leave me alone MAR. just let go of me and dont hunt me down all over again... bye2

Wednesday 1 June 2016

i wish

i wanna do what i use to do again.. i use to have fun without worries.. move without boundaries.. smile and never have to fake it.. wish i have more time for that.. :) be grateful you're healthy.. be grateful u have people loving you.. be grateful you dun have limits just bcoz u're sick.. love yourself.. just be grateful on what u can do.. before everything started to go away from you... i wish i'm not sick.. i wish i didnt have to lose all my memory from my childhood.. i wish everything was back to where it was... i wanna be free and not stuck to medication.. i wish people dun have to die.. i wish i can spend more time with my family and friends.. there's no Ginny to grant my wish... fairy tails arent real.. magic is fake.. happiness wont last long and thats reality....