Wednesday 1 June 2016

i wish

i wanna do what i use to do again.. i use to have fun without worries.. move without boundaries.. smile and never have to fake it.. wish i have more time for that.. :) be grateful you're healthy.. be grateful u have people loving you.. be grateful you dun have limits just bcoz u're sick.. love yourself.. just be grateful on what u can do.. before everything started to go away from you... i wish i'm not sick.. i wish i didnt have to lose all my memory from my childhood.. i wish everything was back to where it was... i wanna be free and not stuck to medication.. i wish people dun have to die.. i wish i can spend more time with my family and friends.. there's no Ginny to grant my wish... fairy tails arent real.. magic is fake.. happiness wont last long and thats reality....

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