Saturday 3 March 2018


I dont actually understand myself how some song gives so much affection to me. i feel myself going on the right path making the right mistakes and doing the right thing. at a point where music make me feel like its ok to be not wanted by others, it's ok to be where you are now. music makes me feel like, the world isn't as sophisticated as it looks. it's an open world. only a few people would hate you and make fun of you. not all will discriminate you. it's just that we have so little communication with people who will actually understands you. it's sometimes ok to be the outcast you dont have to feel so left out. all you gotta do is live your own world. rock it like no other. trust yourself and do/be what you want. my type of songs which make me feel so fucking free is
1. Avril Lavigne
2. Simple Plan
3. Linkin Park
4. Boys Like Girls

i can list a hell lot more but these are what i love most especially Avie 💓

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