Thursday 29 November 2018

life's puzzle

life is so short and full of mystery i have no idea how to explain and figure it out. All i know is to hv fun while i can. i miss every moment i had back then. no regrets on what i did cause i know i can never turn back time. i can't wait for what's gonna come soon. truthfully saying i cannot wait to get married i cannot wait to hv kids. i cannot wait for that part of me to appear in my life. but i know by then i won't have much time left. i might not get to experience it at all. i'm scared of every second that's gonna come. i know everyday i have my own surprise. i don't want it to end just like that.i hope things are just gonna be fine.

Sometimes, life is just gonna treat you like shit. No matter what you just have to face it. You are gonna be surrounded with weird minded people and toxic ones. Problem's gonna come and you just have to face it. As you grow older, you started to realize that people is gonna come and go making you like a pit stop. Few are gonna stay if you're lucky. My entire life, i have less then 5 people that stayed with me till today. I am so grateful to have them to help face all this puzzles, problems, drama, dilemma, troubles and more. I am also very happy to know that they are still there when you're happy, at ease, sad, mad, in confusion, broke, and broken. i'm glad to have friends, and family also pets! To know that i'm not facing the world alone and to know that i have a chance to survive. I'm turning 20 very soon. i hope for my 2 decades of life is gonna be worth it and lesser regrets. I don't want to cause more trouble then i already have. I love them including my family. I just need to know how to love myself.

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