Sunday 24 March 2019

To Bulat sempena 4 years and 4 months

4 years 4 months. damn lama kut tu. dri x de pape now you have side jobs, a bike, getting your head straight in your studies. i've never been so proud of who you are. you literally was just some boy 4 years 4 months ago that appeared on my soc med. thank you, for giving me happiness and other random emotions. thank you for being the best and the worst for me. You know, even when you are being an asshole (most of the time), i never lost my faith in you, i never did wanted to give up. yes you lost my trust but not my love. i still want to care for you even at your worst i still wanna be with you even when you gave out harsh words. i still need you even when i say i don't. As useless as both of us can be. i'm very thankful of the 4 yrs and 4 months we've been together. i'm thankful that you showed me that being human is more than having emotions and a brain. Thank you so much for supporting me all the way even when i was obviously falling. thank you for not giving up on me when i know i couldn't go through shits anymore. thank you so much for loving me and cared me like no other. Muhd Adam Saiful Anuar, I really love you and hope nothing more than for us to stay together and be together for the rest of our lives. i love you so much and i need you to be part of my life. part of my ups and downs in my life. Happy 4years and 4 monthvesarry.

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