Friday 17 January 2020

5 years of Adamurni

heyyo people look i have no idea what to give my boyfriend for this year's anniversary.. Yes we are committed but not married. just a committed relationship that not many understand. i love him i really do and we've gone through so many together. I love him UNCONDITIONALLY. No words can explain my feelings for him because i have all the feelings i know for him.. from the most nicest and positive feeling to the most brutal feelings i have. he is everything to me. i never had a friend/boyfriend/family/brother like him. he is just complete enough to make and ruin my day. nothing can ever compare to what he is to me. i hate him at times (most) but i love him more. it's different when you are committed to it. because you know what you need to do. you know the pros and cons of being this faithful to someone. and trust me.. NEVER trust anyone at all i don't trust him 100% but i just know that he is the right person for me. he is just it. you'll have this giddy in you feeling you that it is not wrong to make mistakes and wrong choices. you only live once and making mistakes is part of a learning process just don't be stupid enough to do it twice. you'll love your life more if you just know what to do with it.

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