Monday 24 November 2014

I'm dumb

Busted. Never thought off getting busted again haha never thougt my dad still hates me never expect my mom said that she'll never talk to me again. I know that i've embarassed my family and nothing can actually turn back time. But the future still can be adjust so let me learn from my mistakes plzzzzz i need the chance that u never gave me i need the trust back again. I want to prove it to u that i'm not a loser that stays a loser but if u says so.. that means i'm always a loser to you. No one is wrong in this prob so don't go and blame MIF even though he ia the one that wanted to talk to me again.. i know when u force me to vow to never have any social acc until the time comes.. u ment by the time i got married by someone u choosed that is when i'll get my 'freedom'. That is rubbish!!!!! Because i don't know that guy is truly a giod person or not and i am not gonna be a slave to someone that i don't want to!!! I really hope u saw what actually happened guys cause if u were there i will never disobey u... i dare to swear...

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