Friday 9 October 2015

random one hahaha

exam is like in a few days and im updating my blog hahaha crazy huh?? but it seems like this is the only way i can escape from the stress around me haha... so many things happened and i didnt update a thing sorry but its best kept private... hehe i am still with my beloved boyfriend and i am sort of forcing him to study but he is just to stubborn.... i want him to be the best of him... i know he is better than what he is now... go to hell what people have to say about us.. i love him and thats that! i know it sounds clishe but who cares... gonna study and do my best for me and him and mostly my parents... i am super sorry on what i have done to my parents im not a good child for them... i realise im disobbeying them day by day but... i cant seem to control myself im sorry... lastly before i end... for whoever thts going to face their end year exams good luck k?? ALL THE BEST!!!! GAMBATE!! ><

Wednesday 1 July 2015


shit!!! i failed 4 subjects and i dont think i get to touch my laptop again until i pass all of my subjects... erghhh i hate parents day....huhu i guess this thing really distract me.. but i just couldn't let what i love go easily like that.. especially my guy... i know its my fault not to put enough effort in my studies but can you actually study when everyone around you treat you like you don't exist? and when you need help they ignore you? people in my house fear me a lot... i'm to scared to ask for anything and i do admit that i am coward worst than my sis and bro.... huhu feel like killing myself when i look at my scores.....

this time i think i need to arrange my time properly even if i have to limit my time with my bae... huhuhu. its the best way i can ever think of and i will try my best on my next examination....

wish me luck guys!!!
xoxo Murni Faz(anime freak)(payday2 crazy)(Adam's girl)

Sunday 7 June 2015

Hi you... hope you read this

Tbh this is the longest relay ever haha i know it seems short to others and might be meaningless in people's eyes... But i know that all the shit we've been through was not a waste as it really change who i use to be... Losing u is my fear... But somehow i have to get over it... It hurts so much to know that i'm hurting u.. It hurts to know that i am killing u from inside... This is my first time feeling loved and inlove...  U mean the world to me.. U are my everything from the beggining till the end... The promises i made will never fade no matter what comes after that.. U conquered me... U impressed me... I am sorry for not being faithful and honest with u... I dont think i need ur mercy on this but i really hope u'll read this... I just need u to understand that it happens out of my bounds.. And i cant seem to handle it myself... And fears start to take over and i did what i should have not... Now i am nobody as i've broke what is really precious to me -YOU-
I really hope this is not the last time i'll see you... Ilysm MASA

Thursday 7 May 2015

To The Person I Love The Most

lol i never thought it would end up to be a disaster... idk who the hell is the bitch that make us like this but 'us' ended upon ur request i had no power to say no to your decision i have no idea this could be bad... all i said was you wanted to stop contacting me and kaboom!! this happen.. it went viral that I said i broke up with you when the real thing i said was we stop contacting bcoz of some problems that came up but were still ok... fuck that bitch!!! we had some 'cat fight' on the phone and you end up saying that it is over.. wow that was so unexpected.. i was thinking that i could talk to you and say something that can end the fight but you wanted the hard way so i have to follow what you want so that i wont have to break you even harder. if you could give me time to explain what really happen this would never end up like this i wont be broken same goes to you. anyways thx for giving me hope and teaching me the real meaning of life thx for giving me what i never truly had = love. you are amazing and i wish you could find someone better than me. thx for giving the best bday present of my life.... and when you said i was lying about the promises, i never forget what promise 4ever more i'll wait.. i'll present the best in life... and the worst part i've promised to you is no more suicide attempt i'll keep the rest in my head... i love you and always will. sorry for doing this to you and sorry for making your life miserable 

Saturday 21 March 2015


I'm sorry to disappoint you but no means no and fuck off! Don't bother me anymore. You had your chance, enough is enough. I don't want anymore trouble. You can enjoy it with your girl instead of me. I have my guy with me and i love him so don't bother me anymore. Wake up! You are one thing i regret. I cant believe i use to be obsessed with you. I'm sorry but the past is the past. My past is very dark and i hate going back there. You are my past so don't ever try to take it to the future. My guy helps me get through all the shit i did b4. He saved me, he changed me and most of all he cured me. The next time you see me i wont be the same. This girl has move on to a new world. A world she thought never existed. To her you are a poison. If the poison is in her again she can't be cured anymore. You would be the blame

Thursday 5 March 2015

who do you think you are?

listen you are just my ex... don't you remember you abandoned me? if so you still want me whats your proof? or it's my body you miss? don't you ever think that i can easily forget what you did... i may forgiven you but that doesn't change my opinion on you. i appreciate that you like me but is it so true that you really want me back? you come back to me on the wrong time dude sorry but you are my old story that I've deleted and i can't retrieve that now because i don't know how

Thursday 1 January 2015


Happy new year my blog viewers may this year be the best to everybody :)