Friday 9 October 2015

random one hahaha

exam is like in a few days and im updating my blog hahaha crazy huh?? but it seems like this is the only way i can escape from the stress around me haha... so many things happened and i didnt update a thing sorry but its best kept private... hehe i am still with my beloved boyfriend and i am sort of forcing him to study but he is just to stubborn.... i want him to be the best of him... i know he is better than what he is now... go to hell what people have to say about us.. i love him and thats that! i know it sounds clishe but who cares... gonna study and do my best for me and him and mostly my parents... i am super sorry on what i have done to my parents im not a good child for them... i realise im disobbeying them day by day but... i cant seem to control myself im sorry... lastly before i end... for whoever thts going to face their end year exams good luck k?? ALL THE BEST!!!! GAMBATE!! ><

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