Wednesday 9 May 2018

shattered hearts

family are people who you trust, family are people who you rely on to. my fault as to trust the wrong person as a family. i had 7 awesome brothers an a sister. they are the people who i actually called homies, my familia. People who i trust the most, but i can't believe there was a poison among the 9 of us. a person who we all took as a family and a person who we felt pity for. that person legitly don't deserve to be accepted in the circle the first place.

i'm not saying this because i hate her. i don't. i'm just disappointed why would she do such thing to me and the whole family. especially me. if i were to expose shit about her it'd be bad af she might have to stop studying but i really don't wanna do it. but she made me feel that way instead. i have no idea why? was it because i was pissed at her and called her a bitch right infront of her face or was it because she felt insecure with me?

whatever her reason is idc anymore i just have shattered hearts rn and really don't wanna see her or even text her. not after what she had done. she didn't even came up and apologize to  me. but imma stop bragging about her rn. i'm tired of shit.

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